All in one in-store tablet
One device, many features available

Price checking
1D/2D efficient scanner

Loyalty card and coupons
Instant in-store information

Store maps and way-finding
Shoppers can easily reach desired products

General product information
Ingredients, nutritional value, origin, (…)

Digital signage capabilities
Manufacturer paid advertisements

Quick surveys to assess customer satisfaction
Pricechecking at SONAE’s Continente

Clock in, Clock out
The full potential of interactive devices

Easy to install
Plug and play solution, small and lightweight, fits in every corner.

Software adapted to your company
The software can be adapted to your company. Pick the data you want workers to input, their schedules and add other relevant info.

Clocking made smooth
Integration with up-to-date management systems, increasing device life cycle.

Android powered devices
Get Android’s full potential. Nothing is impossible to create.

Fully customizable interfaces
Your solution, your touch. Everything can be tailor-made for you.

Full support
Maximum uptime – robust and reliable devices with a great support team behind them.